Sunday, June 11, 2006


Call it a mid-twenties crisis or what you will, but I've been thinking a lot about my age of late.

It occurred to me that I am pretty much the same age as my old man when he tied the knot in 1974! It amazes me that my parents managed to stay together for 16 years. Although probably only half of that was actually a happy time I suspect.

Maybe it's my biological time clock ticking loudly in my ear, but I'm wondering a bit about that whole marriage/ partnership thing... doesn't seem relevant to me any more... I don't know if I'm cut out for it, at least. I spent the first 23 years of my life single. Had a few brief encounters, lived with a girlfriend for a year. It was good, but I like to do my own thing.

I went here to discover that I will be celebrating my 10,000th day on the planet on the 13th July 2006... I would imagine that the first 10000 days of your life are probabilly the best, right? I wonder about how many of them I've just wasted or overlooked?

I find it a little hard to comprehend that I've been here in Melbourne for a little over a year now. It hasn't been quite what I expected. A few things have happened that have made me stop and wonder what I'm doing here. And whether it's worth pursuing this little adventure. The winters here are biting and cold compared to what I'm accustomed. But then a few extra layers kind of fix that. I actually feel quite at home, but there is also enough going on that I don't feel any homesickness at all.

I've been back to Adelaide a few times though, and I must say I don't really identify with it any more. It feels so empty.

Working up to 60 hours a week at the moment, so there hasn't been a lot of time to sit back and smell the roses. My contract will be drawing to a close in the next few months, and there has not been any talk of being reinstated in any way. So I'm trying to earn as much as possible while I can to set myself up with a few things to make my life a little easier..

On the domestic front, my old work-chum Rebecca from Adelaide has moved in with me. She has been cleared of her cancer scare, although she still needs to go back to see her surgeon every few months for checkups. She's only 21 and quite naive, but we get along fairly well. We've split the house up so that I basically live upstairs and she downstairs. It's good to live in a place where you can pretty much do what you want, and we hang out occasionally getting a milkshake or something.

We are still in the process of setting up the house, and still waiting on the couch and fridge to be delivered which is frustrating but it will be good when its finally done.

I have broadband setup in the house now (yay!) so hopefully I will be able to get back to more regular posting. Or at least not have any excuse not to. I want to get myself a new laptop, camera and a few other bits and pieces so that if I do lose my job, I can at least spend a few months focussing on some long neglected hobbies.

So... how are you doin?.


Blogger littlefaeriegirl said...

welcome back

June 26, 2006 11:36 am  

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