Friday, January 27, 2006

Head in the sand

My eyesight is pretty bad.

I'm probably not at the Mr Magoo stage,

using a cat to sweep my front porch, or driving my car through the lions cage at the zoo.


Until recently, I've learned to live with my impairment.

If you squint a bit, and get your eyes to water, glasses are not necessary at all.

I do own a pair of glasses, mind, but I only wear them for driving.

A former girlfriend said that I looked hot with my glasses on.

But, have you ever looked at the world through a soft-focus lens?

Next time you're sitting on the setee watching Oprah and snacking on pork-rinds, go up close to the screen and have a look.

(Oh that's right, if you can see properly you don't have to get off the couch)

You will see that everything is soft, and.. fuzzy. There are no angry sharp edges or bitter twisted angularity.

Just soft white clouds and a rainbow.

Well no more I tell you.

I'm going cold turkey.

I need to see the world as it really is.

The lines on my face.

The blemishes in my skin.

The eyes of people in the street.


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