What is it?
As I was laying in my bed this morning listening to Triple J, (I haven't found RRR yet), they had this thing where they were getting schoolkids to ring up and tell them what crappy thing they were having for their lunch, and what they wish they were having. And JJJ would act as the mediator to find out someone that would like to swap with them. And karma would prevail, and the world would be a nicer place in which to live, and all that. And a girl rang up.
"And what do you have for lunch?"
"Strasbourg and Philly* sandwiches." replied the girl.
"Strasbourg, what's that some kind of cheese?"
"No, ummm,... I think it's some sort of meat."
Okay, I think I can be of some help here.
About 5 years ago, I worked in a delicatessen in a supermarket on the Gold Coast. I worked in slave conditions, and through my time there, learned about the world of smallgoods, not to mention poor food handling practices.
Now, in Queensland, Strasbourg is known as Devon or Luncheon. And in South Australia, which is my homeland, it is known as fritz. Which as far as I'm called is what it should be called.
Repeat it with me.
No point giving it a fancy name like Strasbourg, or devon or luncheon. Anyway, a luncheon is a fancy name for lunch. And while you can have fritz for lunch. I don't think it would be had at a luncheon.
On account that it is fritz. Snouts and entrails rolled into a convenient processed package.
And I would like to clarify a few more issues.
A yiros as it is known in SA, is known as a kebab in QLD (incorrect I feel, as a kebab must involve a skewer). In Vic, it is commonly known as a felafel which is acceptable, or a souvlaki.
If anyone can clarify these important issues, leave a comment.
And don't get me started on the size of a pint of beer!
*Philly - Known colloquially as Philadelphia dip, a type of cheese spread or dipping sauce or something.
"And what do you have for lunch?"
"Strasbourg and Philly* sandwiches." replied the girl.
"Strasbourg, what's that some kind of cheese?"
"No, ummm,... I think it's some sort of meat."
Okay, I think I can be of some help here.
About 5 years ago, I worked in a delicatessen in a supermarket on the Gold Coast. I worked in slave conditions, and through my time there, learned about the world of smallgoods, not to mention poor food handling practices.
Now, in Queensland, Strasbourg is known as Devon or Luncheon. And in South Australia, which is my homeland, it is known as fritz. Which as far as I'm called is what it should be called.
Repeat it with me.
No point giving it a fancy name like Strasbourg, or devon or luncheon. Anyway, a luncheon is a fancy name for lunch. And while you can have fritz for lunch. I don't think it would be had at a luncheon.
On account that it is fritz. Snouts and entrails rolled into a convenient processed package.
And I would like to clarify a few more issues.
A yiros as it is known in SA, is known as a kebab in QLD (incorrect I feel, as a kebab must involve a skewer). In Vic, it is commonly known as a felafel which is acceptable, or a souvlaki.
If anyone can clarify these important issues, leave a comment.
And don't get me started on the size of a pint of beer!
*Philly - Known colloquially as Philadelphia dip, a type of cheese spread or dipping sauce or something.
Hmm..yes, it is either a chip dip or a cream cheese spread. Either or paired with mystery meat? It makes me sad for the child. Would still like you to email me.
fritz and philadelphia cheese spread...eating fritz is just wrong to begin with. i've not eaten philly, but it scares me to look at it. although, soft cheese scared me for a while and now i love camembert
when i was in year nine we had a science teacher called mr king who had a glass eye (i think) whic looked one way while the other looked the other way. and i had a friend called karlie and we would sit next to each other and he would call one us us...we didnt know who...to answer a question and we'd say, 'um..who?' and he'd say 'you know who, im looking straight at you'. he is the only teacher ever to send me out of class. when he got out there he started talking and then said in exsaperation 'stand up!' and i said 'im sorry, ive never been in trouble before, i dont know what to do' and he just stared at me and sent me back inside
in science he brought in a sheeps lung, attached it to a vaccum cleaner, turned it on to blow, and blew it up. then he told us fritz was made from sheeps lungs
the end, love from carly
That's one of the more beautiful things about our great country: you can go a few hundred / thousand kilometres down the road and be wondering what to say in order to get something you know and accept as gospel into your system, be it solid or liquid.
I lived in Queensland for quite some time and still couldn't get accustomed to ordering beer as it was different from bar to bar - or so it seemed the more I drank and walked to different places.
I bet you miss a few things about home.
I grew up in Mackay Queensland and completely understand the devon, and other food differences. When I arrived to live in Adel, years later, it took me ages to get used to little things, inc the heat.
I'll have to write an article about Mackay one day. What a beautiful place to grow up.
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