Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It all comes down to 3 things

Well for those of you who are interested, I kind of got the job.

So why aren't I doing backflips and bouncing off the walls?

Well to start with, it wasn't the job I applied for, but they needed someone to run errands and work the machine. Hey, it's a foot in the door of my chosen career, right?

I went in for my trial on Monday. I was meant to use this machine with pedals and hand controls and such, when it became apparent that something was amiss. One of the floating cross-hairs was not working. The culprit was a little lightglobe about the size of a fingernail. When it lights up, it is meant to project a dot through the eye piece of this whizzbang German contraption. And, well... it didn't.

So they apologised, saying how this just never happens, and that I should give them a call in a few days when they have the problem sorted out.

Days pass...

I give them a ring to find out what's going on, and they say they don't know, and they'll call me tomorrow.

So, it's tomorrow already, and no phone call.

This means three things:

(1) I still don't know if I have the job, but it is likely that I will be able to use the machine.

(2) Even if I get the job, I'm not sure I want it, considering that they have proven themselves to be totally unprofessional, and, pardon me, a bunch of cunts.

(3) I'm getting a little concerned, as I am already $500 over my credit card limit. The rent is due on Friday and I'm going to be about $100 short. Not to mention that little matter of car repayments which I am about a month behind. Oh, and then there's that little matter of food.... plus I really could use a haircut.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madness. What did you go to school for? Perhaps look for something outside the area (just for the time being)...if you've tried that, all I can do is keep my fingers crossed for you.

July 12, 2005 9:45 pm  
Blogger littlefaeriegirl said...

what sort of job entails hand controls and pedals and lightglobes and crosshairs and germans?

or do i actually want to know...

July 12, 2005 9:47 pm  

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