Thursday, June 02, 2005

Better late than Never!

Okay, I'm a few days late, I know! But Sunday is now the official day that I shall be leaving for Melbourne. It was going to be Tuesday but I realised I hadn't had a going-away party. Plus I've been kind of enjoying things lately. And accommodation is still not arranged, and that's kind of important!

So, I'm going to the Exeter on Saturday night to watch a band perform some faithfully reproduced Ramones tunes, and enjoy my final night in Adelaide. I might even go to Shotz! I've never been there in it's present site, so I'll put that on the list. Then it will be Adios Amigos! Anybody that might like to join me for a drink will find themselves blessed by the trunk of Ganesa and the many arms of Vishnu.


Blogger littlefaeriegirl said...

hey! come to jive to see some bands, and then supermild for gosh! it'll be rad. starts at 1am, alternative 90's music, yeah!

you'll still blog, right?

have fun in melbourne

June 03, 2005 12:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. I could do that. I haven't been to supermild since it first opened! *shows age* I hear that it's Russian Teammates last gig at Jive and they seem cool, but I don't know if my friends would be up for it *shows age again*. And the whole point was kind of to hang out with them. But we'll see where the night takes us...

Yes I'll still blog in Melbourne! Hopefully I will actually have something cool to write about there. If not at least how cold it is...

Oh, btw, I saw Velveteen Habit on channel 31 the other night! Is your Matt in the band?

June 03, 2005 4:31 pm  
Blogger littlefaeriegirl said...

yeah, thats matt. and marc, the guitarist not singer is in humblebee with us

what did you think of them?

June 03, 2005 8:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, they were good. Of course I only saw them play for about 5 seconds, the rest was an interview.

Anyway, it'd be nice to meet you if you are around the place. I'll see if I can get into supermild, but will probably end up at the Crown and Anchor as usual...

June 04, 2005 2:49 pm  

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