Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Hard Hank

Today was quite possibly the greatest day of all time.

Weather = perfect.

Bought some new clothes. Re-discovering my old non- relationship self.


Henry Rollins is coming to town again. This time it's a spoken word performance. He has been here so many times, but I've never seen his show before. I've only seen him play with his band at Heaven a couple of years ago. That is slack I must say. He played here since doing all his Black Flag stuff, and I heard it was awesome. But for me, NO-ONE does Black Flag like Black Flag, so I didn't go.

I read an interesting comment from him in dB today:

"'s best not to expect too much from humans, because, at the end of the day they are food-gathering, breeding organisms and they're going to do what they gotta do to survive.

... so anything that you think immoral or petty for you is just someone trying to get through the day..

..Having seen what I've seen I've just kind of let humans off the hook and no longer rely on them to be exceptional, punctual, or even civil.."

But he refuses to be jaded.

"I completely believe in the inherent goodness of people and their generosity. I see it around me all the time."

So is Rollins finally going soft? Is he finally reaching some conclusions and extinguishing his anguish?

Be at the Norwood Concert Hall on 21 May to find out...


Blogger ssas said...

"bought some new clothes..."

never underestimate the therapudic power of shopping.

thx for the link, btw. :)

May 04, 2005 11:45 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

yeah, rollins is getting old and comparatively tame, but he is still smart and funny as hell. not to be missed.

May 11, 2005 3:39 am  

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