Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Ramblin' Rose

Last night I had a really bad dream. I was at this guys house that I knew in high school. He was a pretty rough sort of guy and he always hung out with even rougher guys.

Anyway, I was sitting on the sofa, and Bec was sitting on a chair right beside me. This guy and his evil friend were sitting opposite. The evil friend says something to Bec in a very insulting/accusing way. I can't even remember what it was. Immediately I felt the urge to intervene and defend her, but I was interested to see how she would react to this.

The next thing that I know, she is sitting beside my friend. They argue for a while. But it ends up turning into a tickle fight with obvious sexual overtones.

I was pretty pissed of about this, so I woke up.

It was nice when Bec and I were together because I could always shift over a bit and feel the warmth of her back pressed against me. The perfect antidote.

There is no more lonely place than waking in your bed alone at 6am in the shadows of your nightmares.

So I went back to sleep.

And Darren and I were the guitarists for the MC5.

And we rocked.


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